Jacob Berry Ministries

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Jacob Berry Ministries

There's No One Quite Like...

Jacob Berry!

Jacob was born with a rare type of muscular dystrophy and was given only two years to live. The doctors could see no hope for Jacob's future, but his family knew in their heart that God had a special plan for his life. They never gave up hope.

Today, Jacob faces many challenges in his life but he is an inspiration to everyone he meets. His soul desire is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to see souls saved for the kingdom of God.

He is truly a "Miracle On A Mission!" You've got to hear Jacob! Scroll through the meetings to the right, and plan to attend a meeting near you. Meanwhile, we would appreciate your prayers for each meeting.

Since he was 11 days old, Jacob has been on a ventilator. In October of 1988, his family was told that he would never leave the hospital alive, but three months later, they brought him home. He was the first St. Francis Hospital baby ever sent home with a breathing tube. Ever since those days, he has been dependant for every breath. But God had more for Jacob to do!

Today, Jacob is on a mission to share his story and joy for life. He views every day as a precious gift from God. Confined to a wheelchair and still dependent on the ventilator, Jacob travels the country delivering powerful and inspirational messages.

Jacob is Living the Gift™ - the joyful expression of thanks to a loving God as he lives each moment in the spirit, seeking to do His will and ministering to those he meets. He wants you too to share in this joy!

As an ordained minister, spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ and seeing souls saved for the Kingdom of God is not just Jacob’s passion, it’s his Mission.

Jacob truly is a "Miracle on a Mission!"