Jacob Berry Ministries

Living The Gift Store

Living The Gift - Book by Jacob Berry   BOOK: Living the Gift, By Jacob Berry: This inspiring autobiography tells of Jacob's determination to overcome muscular dystrophy and not let this debilitating disease detour him from God's call on His life. Jacob's book is available at:

Barnes & Nobles ($12)

Kindle Edition

Buy Jacobs book for $12 from Jacob Berry Ministries, using PayPal:
In My Weakness  

BOOK: In My Weakness - Book by Jacob Berry

This is Jacob's latest book. It isn't available in our shopping cart yet. However, you may purchase it by calling the ministry at (918) 919-1960. It is available for $20.

Living The Gift T-Shirt, Style 2   

CD: Jessica Berry, HE WILL CALL ME

But now thus saith the LORD that created theee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by they name; thou art mine. (Isaiah 43:1)

This isn't available in our shopping cart yet. However, you may purchase it by calling the ministry at (918) 919-1960. It is available for $15.

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